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About Me-

Hi! My name is Alexandra, I go by Alex, and I’m a sophomore at UNLV studying Hospitality Management. This website is part of my final project for the Honors class “World Thought and Experience,” and the purpose of it is to explore the idea of interconnectedness from as many points of view as possible. 


This project stemmed from a curiosity to delve more into the book that inspired it, “Darwin’s Pharmacy.” I got to do a most extensive and in-depth exercise in making connections between ideas that would otherwise sit too well in their comfort zones. But it was also a way to practice and really start believing in this vision of an interconnected universe in more ways than you can imagine. 


But I did talk extensively about the project in the pages dedicated to it, so I’ll keep this short. 


Something fun about me is that every single day for the past 4 years, there’s been a moment when I glance at a clock, whether on my phone or somewhere else, and I see the timestamp 3:14PM. And because I also have the world’s most resilient sweet tooth, I can say for certain that every day becomes Pi(e) day. In one way or another. I also love puns. 


If you have any questions, feel free to use the form below! I hope you enjoyed my project!


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